Saturday, August 20, 2011

Breed Spotlight: Polish

Polish (or Poland) chickens are one of the most attractive breeds in my opinion, although, I must confess that my favorite hen Cordon may have me a bit enamored.  Actually originating from the Netherlands, Polish hens derive their name from their polled, or dome-shaped head, and not the country of the same name.

Cordon, our Golden Laced Polish
Our own Polish hen and roo have and sweet temperament, and I've not yet run into a more casual and pleasant breed.  Even our roo, Bleu, could be classified as "friendly" were it not for his tendency to freak out and scurry around when surprised.  Which he is by, well, everything.

Polish birds are the ideal size for an urban chicken flock.  They average about five to six pounds, and the hens are moderate layers, with an average output of 150 white eggs per year.  We've been told that they are great layers in the winter months when other breed's slow their production.  There are many different variants, such as sliver and golden laced, as well as a frizzled variation.                                        

There are a few things to remember about this breed - mostly common sense items related to their unique look:

Bleu the Silver Laced Roo

  The giant Q-tip on their head does restrict vision.  If
  you are free ranging these birds, they will need to be
  in a flock with other breeds who are able to see past
  their own toes and will warn them about predators.

  Their poms will make  them miserable when wet, so
  they need to have access to protection from rain and

  You'll need to keep an eye out for mite and lice
  infection in guessed it...pom.

Finally, as noted with Bleu, make sure that you give them plenty of warning that you're near, lest they think that you appeared out of nowhere to eat them.

If you're looking for a great bird to add to a flock, I cannot speak highly enough of this breed.

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