Saturday, August 20, 2011

Breed Spotlight: Belgian D'Uccle

This breed finds its origin in the Belgian municipality of Uccle, and is yet another favorite of ours due to their sweet temperament.

Oreo, our Mottled D'Uccle (We miss you!)
D'Uccles color variants can range in appearance from "millefleur" ("millions of flowers" - a pattern of a cappuccino brown feathers, which are tipped in black followed by white), to a blueish color referred to as "porcelain" , as well as a black and white "mottled" variant.

D'Uccles are true bantams, meaning there is no "super-sized" version.  Females are generally not aggressive, and while I have noted in my reading that males can be, we have yet to experience this.  Hens from this breed will lay fairly small eggs with a pink or creme tint, to the average tune of about 120 per year.

One of our first "from chick" experiences, was with Oreo (pictured right), and we fell in love from the very beginning.  Many evenings we were greeted by an absurd looking chicken, rocking back and forth as he ran toward us in welcome.  Wonderful with our children, each of our D'uccles have been tame and calm while being held.

Much like Polish, this breed has a few extra challenges brought about by their unusual plumage.  Their beards should be checked regularly for lice and mites, and they should be kept out of muddy enclosures due to their feathered legs.

Yet another recommended addition to your backyard flock!

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